SPOZNAJ - Support for the implementation of the principles of open science in Slovenia
Support for the implementation of open science principles in Slovenia

Project coordinator: the Central Technical Library of the University of Ljubljana and 20 Slovenian public research organisations
Project leader at {Rudolfovo: Dr Tamara Besednjak Valič
Duration: 2 August 2023 - 30 June 2026
On 2 August 2023, the project "SPOZNAJ - Support for the implementation of the principles of open science in Slovenia" was launched, within the framework of which the Central Technical Library of the University of Ljubljana and 20 Slovenian public research organisations will adapt their activities in accordance with the Act on Scientific Research and Innovation Activities, the Regulation on the Implementation of Scientific Research Work in accordance with the Principles of Open Science, and the practices and principles of open science in the European Research Area. Open science includes open access to research results, evaluation of the quality and impact of scientific research using responsible metrics, and citizen involvement in scientific research. The project is co-funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union - NextGenerationEU through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The project consortium consists of:
Central Technical Library of the University of Ljubljana as project coordinator,
Geological Survey of Slovenia,
The Slovenian Geological Survey, the Slovenian Geological Survey, the Slovenian Institute of Forestry, the Slovenian Institute of Geology, the Slovenian Institute of Geology, the Slovenian Institute of Geology,
Institute for Hydraulic Research, Ljubljana,
Institute "Jožef Stefan",
Institute for Ethnic Issues,
Institute of Contemporary History,
Institute of Chemistry,
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia,
National Institute of Biology,
Institute of Pedagogy,
{Rudolfovo - Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto,
Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia,
Institute of Civil Engineering of Slovenia,
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Scientific and Innovation Centre Pomurje,
Koper Science and Research Centre,
Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto,
University of Ljubljana (within which one of the work packages is managed by the Archive of Social Science Data),
University of Maribor (within which one of the work packages is managed by the University Library of Maribor), and
University of Primorska.
The project aims to raise awareness, educate and empower the consortium partners' staff with relevant knowledge and competences in the field of open science, to prepare educational material, to establish support structures and to adapt the consortium partners' working mechanisms to the principles of open science. In addition to the consortium partners, the project will address other relevant stakeholders in scientific research, i.e. private research and higher education organisations, private researchers, public agencies (ARIS, NAKVIS), other public institutions (e.g. Arnes, libraries), business entities and other interested publics.
By the end of the project on 30 June 2026, the consortium will have delivered at least 30 public lectures on topical issues in the field of open science and 4 national events with international participation. It will define profiles of supporting experts in the field of open science and research data management and develop a catalogue of their competences. It will conduct a series of specialist training courses for entry-level practitioners at consortium partners and other interested institutions and set up support structures at the start of their activities. It will develop training materials for Open Science, with a focus on the handling of research data, both online and in hard copy. It will evaluate existing instruments and processes at the consortium partners, develop proposals for the formal basis for Open Science and pilot adaptations. It will also raise awareness of the importance of Open Science as much as possible among the professional and general public.
The "SPOZNAJ" project fits into the broader European developments in the field of open science, identified by the European Union as one of the key actions of the Research and Innovation Pact 2022-2024 and legitimised by the renewed Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information (OJ C 108, 20.6.2019, p. 1). Slovenia adapted to the new European guidelines by adopting the Act on Scientific Research and Innovation Activities in 2021, the Resolution on the Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2030 in 2022, and the Regulation on the Implementation of Scientific Research Work in accordance with the Principles of Open Science and the Action Plan for Open Science in 2023. These legal acts committed scientific research providers to ensuring open access to research results, responsible evaluation of research work and citizen involvement in research.
For further information on the project, please contact NOO.spoznaj@ctk.uni-lj.si.