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KTO - 3

Project to support the activities of Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTO - 3)

Duration: 12.4.2024 to 28.2.2029

Project title: Knowledge and Technology Transfer Consortium

Project acronym: KTO3

Project coordinator: "Jožef Stefan" Institute

Consortium partners (alphabetical order):

Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto

Geological Survey of Slovenia

Institute of Metallic Materials and Technologies

Chemical Institute of Slovenia

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia

National Institute of Biology

Rudolfovo - Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto

Institute of Civil Engineering of Slovenia

Koper Scientific Research Centre

Project value: EUR 2,150,000.00

The amount of the approved funds for the operation is EUR 2,150,000.00, of which the European Union contribution is EUR 1,276,025.00 and the Slovenian contribution is EUR 873,975.00.

Project leader at {Rudolfovo}: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Hafner (

Specific functions in the project: PMT4.1 Leader: Intellectual Property Protection

Brief description of the project:

The aim of the project is to stimulate and accelerate cooperation in the field of protection and marketing of intellectual property of public research organisations (PROs) through the establishment and operation of a consortium of ten Knowledge and Technology Transfer Offices (KTOs) of public research organisations (PROs) and in cooperation with a consortium of KTOs of Slovenian universities. This will strengthen the strategic patenting, commercialisation and commercial exploitation of inventions by KPOs, develop mechanisms for knowledge valorisation and raise awareness of the importance of IP and its effective management among key partners in the research and innovation ecosystem.

The project also aims to strengthen cooperation between KICs in order to create a comprehensive knowledge and technology offer for companies. This will be achieved through the organisation of joint multidisciplinary project teams as well as teams of planned spin-offs at MNOs where specific industry requirements and market opportunities make this sensible. An additional objective of the project is to harmonise approaches to the contractual relationships arising in knowledge valorisation processes. This includes the preparation of common contract templates, negotiation starting points, evaluations, rules of procedure and other documents governing the procedures in the NRAs and the cooperation with economic operators.

Project phases and description of their implementation:

The project has no phases, but has set KPIs to be achieved by the KTOs during the project. These are e.g. number of patents, number of service invention notifications, number of collaborations with companies, number of trainings, number of mentorships, etc.

The project is funded by:

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Consortium - KTO3 project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

ESF - European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027

The project aims to establish new Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs) and upgrade existing KTOs at Slovenian Public Research Organisations (PROs), to strengthen the links and cooperation of KTOs with stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem, and to build the skills of KTO staff.

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