{Rudolfovo – Znanstveno in tehnološko središče Novo mesto vabi, da se udeležite znanstvenega seminarja z naslovom »Deep Learning for Earth Observation«, ki ga bo predstavil Filip Wolf.
Seminar bo v četrtek, 24. oktobra 2024, ob 10. uri v dvorani K01 Razvojnega centra Novo mesto.
»With the rise of large amounts of open-access Earth Observation data and a plethora of tasks waiting to be solved, deep learning has positioned itself as a perfect candidate leveraging these opportunities. Specifically, due to there not being a large amount of labeled satellite imagery, Self-Supervised Learning methods have seen application within this domain. Here I will briefly explain this area of research, followed by my own ongoing work.«
Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
Dodatne informacije: Filip Wolf, filip.wolf@rudolfovo.eu, Katja Sinur, katja.sinur@rudolfovo.eu.