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Vabilo na seminar {Rudolfovo: »The Methodology of Virtualizing Sculptures: A Case Study of the Virtual Depot of the Gallery of Matica Srpska« prof. dr. Ratka Obradovića


{Rudolfovo – Znanstveno in tehnološko središče Novo mesto vabi, da se udeležite znanstvenega seminarja z naslovom »The Methodology of Virtualizing Sculptures: A Case Study of the Virtual Depot of the Gallery of Matica Srpska«, ki ga bo predstavil prof. dr. Ratko Obradović s Fakultete za tehnične vede Univerze v Novem Sadu.

Seminar bo v četrtek, 18. aprila 2024, ob 9.15 v dvorani K01 Razvojnega centra Novo mesto in preko TEAMS povezave.


»The Gallery of Matica Srpska (GMS) is pioneering the virtualization of cultural heritage through a virtual depot, employing Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and virtual reality for sculptures, alongside a digital flipbook for paintings and drawings. This lecture will outline the techniques and technologies used to create highly detailed digital replicas of these artifacts, surpassing the detail visible through traditional examination. The significance of this lecture extends beyond the GMS's innovative project, serving as a vital blueprint for museums worldwide. It demonstrates how digital technologies can transform access to and preservation of cultural heritage, reducing the need for physical handling and thus aiding in the conservation of delicate artifacts. Moreover, it enables museums to reach broader audiences, including those unable to visit in person, fostering greater public engagement and educational opportunities. By democratizing access to over 10,000 art objects in the GMS collection, the virtual depot illustrates the elimination of time and spatial constraints, showcasing the practicality and necessity of digital approaches in modern museum practices. This presentation will highlight the transformative impact of digital methodologies on cultural heritage, marking a significant advancement in the digital humanities and setting a new standard for museums aiming to enhance accessibility and preservation in the digital age.«

Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. / You are cordially invited! The seminar will be in English.

Dodatne informacije: dr. Bojan Pažek,, Katja Sinur

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